Wednesday, November 5, 2014

I'd feel like a total waste of carbon if I let 2 years go by without posting.

Not that many people are anxiously awaiting another meaningless post about pretty much nothing, but I like to pretend. Anyway, so the last post was over a year ago. Let me tell you, what a year it has been!
I did end up getting a job, which mostly explains my lack of blogging. Mostly*.  I was a member of the team at good ol' maurice's. (They don't bother with capitalization, so why should I?) Maurice's is a women's clothing store that mainly caters to the lively and professional 20-30 something gal. I actually really enjoyed it. I may not be super girly, but bring out the clothes and I can't help myself. I want them all! They should have just paid me an outfit a day and called it even. Would have been easier than fussing with the paperwork necessary for an actual paycheck. I really enjoyed the girls I worked with and the company wasn't as evil as others I've worked for. I even transferred locations and was promoted to assistant manager. Overall, a good experience and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a part-time gig.
Husband did finally graduate from BYU-I with an English professional writing degree. But not without some hiccups** along the way. Husband was fired from a couple jobs. And it was hard. And we had to rely on family and friends a lot. Which is so hard to do when you're me. I don't like asking people for anything most especially money. But I do believe it taught us a lot, although I'm pretty sure I'll scream if I have to draw on any of those lessons anytime soon. Anyway, after Husband graduated, we moved in with his mom while he completed his internship. He got some deal with an online magazine called Forward Observer all about Libertarianism, zombies***, and guns. And stuff. And it paid, but only in amounts that made you go "Aw, that's cute." So I worked at my new maurice's location and he became a substitute teacher. Which also paid in "aw, that's cute". So I tried my darndest to get promoted, get more hours, and look for a better job. You would think that with a degree it wouldn't have been that difficult. But no one wanted or wants to hire a girl who majored in arguing, "what if" questions, and very firm moral convictions. Why didn't anyone stop me? Why didn't any of my teachers in high school say "Um, that's really great and I know you're totally smart enough to major in anything you want, but the economy is working on collapsing and so is the education bubble, so you may want to consider a career in the sciences or health care or just skip college altogether and learn a trade." And, bless my college professors' hearts, they did try to discourage me from going to law school (the ultimate goal with my stupid degree) but I didn't know what else I was going to do. In the end, I didn't got to law school (obviously) and I think I'm finally ok with that. I know I could have done it and done it well. (I took a few practice LSATs and surprised**** myself.) But I don't need or even want a fancy degree anymore. I finally figured out that all I want in life is to be stress-free. And "stress-free" equates to little to no bills and buying ice-cream whenever I want to. I really am a simple creature.
All my job searching finally paid off, though. I got a job at an OB/GYN office. Yeah. From ladies' clothes to ladies' business*****. And I enjoyed it SO much. My mom is a labor and delivery nurse and I learned so much from her over the years. It was really great to walk into a job already knowing some really useful things about it. And that basic foundation of knowledge sparked my curiosity to learn more. I think, maybe, once we can afford it, I'm going to go to nursing school to become and L&D nurse. So why did I quit? Well, once Husband finished with his internship, and began looking for jobs, it was very, very clear that he would have more of a problem than I did finding a job.
Husband had always wanted to join the military and despite some discouragement from a few people, he finally did. His degree helped him to join the Army with some rank, although not as an officer like we had hoped. And if anyone has any experience with the military, you know that separation is inevitable. And, if you'll recall, we were living with Mother-in-law****** at this point in time. And while I am so grateful to her for helping us in our time of need, there was no way in hell I was going to wait out mine and Husband's separation with her. Also, my mom lives in Hawaii so...yeah. I quit my job and moved to Hawaii and that's where I've been since June 20th, 2014.
I've had such an incredible time here and I am so grateful to my mom for allowing me to live in paradise with her for a little bit :) And, as Army life is wont to do to you, I am moving to Georgia after Christmas to be with Husband and to adventure in the South East with him!
I promise I won't wait a year to post again. Maybe.
* Not really. It was part-time and I still had a lot of time on my hands. I think I might just be lazy.
****No I didn't. 
***** I'm talking about vaginas.
******Oh man. OH MAN. If you're interested in the gems that come out of that woman's existence, find "Shiz Sheri Says" on Twitter. You're welcome. 

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